RACAR is published twice a year: a general issue in the spring and a guest-edited thematic issue in fall. Articles are reviewed and approved by the journal’s editorial committee and external evaluators, and they must meet the standards of a respected academic journal with an international reputation.
Authors may submit articles to be published in a general issue or by responding to a call for papers linked to one of the guest-edited thematic issues.
Please submit your manuscript to the managing editor at [email protected].
Please consult our style guide prior to submitting your article.
Peer-Review Policy
The members of RACAR's editorial committee and guest editors review each article before sending it to an external reviewer for a double-blind evaluation process. Authors are then given detailed comments and one of the following verdicts: 1) accepted without changes; 2) accepted with minor changes; 3) revise and resubmit; 4) refused. In the case of major discrepancies among the verdicts, the journal may request an additional external evaluation. RACAR provides authors with the referees’ anonymous comments, so that they can revise their text. RACAR's decision regarding the publication of a text is final.
Policy on the Use of Articles Published in the Journal
RACAR publishes complete texts in English or French. The in-print version of the journal is available in university libraries across North America and Europe. We recently adopted an open-access policy, and more recent articles may now be downloaded from our website. The journal thus allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or reference the full text of its articles, or to use them for any legal purpose.
Copyright Policy
The author, and not RACAR, is solely responsible for the entire contents of their contribution.
Manuscripts accepted for publication will not be published until the author has provided the managing editor with documentation showing that copyright laws for reproductive material and/or for extensive quotations have been satisfied.
The intellectual property and the copyright for the original content of all articles belong to the authors. In return, authors grant RACAR free and exclusive licence for the initial publication, as well as the right to produce and distribute the text for an unlimited amount of time and without territorial restriction. The author is responsible for obtaining copyright permissions and high-resolution JPG files for any images accompanying their article. Authors are permitted to self-archive in a public repository using a PDF provided by RACAR.
Authors may submit articles to be published in a general issue or by responding to a call for papers linked to one of the guest-edited thematic issues.
Please submit your manuscript to the managing editor at [email protected].
- Manuscripts should be no longer than 8,500 words, including notes.
- Articles should contain a maximum of 12 illustrations.
- Please submit an abstracts in French (150 words or less each) with your article, as well as thumbnails and a list of illustrations; all illustrations and captions should be included in a separate document rather than integrated into the manuscript..
- To ensure that the peer-review process is anonymous, the author’s name must be removed from the document’s Properties, which in Microsoft Word is found in the File menu.
- Manuscripts must be double-spaced, using Times New Roman.
- All pages of the manuscript should be paginated consecutively, with page numbers in the lower right-hand corner.
- References should be formatted as footnotes rather than endnotes. Any acknowledgements should come at the end of the document.
- The editors of RACAR retain the right to make such editorial revisions as may be necessary to render the finished work suitable for publication.
Please consult our style guide prior to submitting your article.
Peer-Review Policy
The members of RACAR's editorial committee and guest editors review each article before sending it to an external reviewer for a double-blind evaluation process. Authors are then given detailed comments and one of the following verdicts: 1) accepted without changes; 2) accepted with minor changes; 3) revise and resubmit; 4) refused. In the case of major discrepancies among the verdicts, the journal may request an additional external evaluation. RACAR provides authors with the referees’ anonymous comments, so that they can revise their text. RACAR's decision regarding the publication of a text is final.
Policy on the Use of Articles Published in the Journal
RACAR publishes complete texts in English or French. The in-print version of the journal is available in university libraries across North America and Europe. We recently adopted an open-access policy, and more recent articles may now be downloaded from our website. The journal thus allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or reference the full text of its articles, or to use them for any legal purpose.
Copyright Policy
The author, and not RACAR, is solely responsible for the entire contents of their contribution.
Manuscripts accepted for publication will not be published until the author has provided the managing editor with documentation showing that copyright laws for reproductive material and/or for extensive quotations have been satisfied.
The intellectual property and the copyright for the original content of all articles belong to the authors. In return, authors grant RACAR free and exclusive licence for the initial publication, as well as the right to produce and distribute the text for an unlimited amount of time and without territorial restriction. The author is responsible for obtaining copyright permissions and high-resolution JPG files for any images accompanying their article. Authors are permitted to self-archive in a public repository using a PDF provided by RACAR.